Growing Local Capacity in Rural Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Rural Population Revitalization Commission: Public Hearing on Local Capacity Feb. 28
What: The Pennsylvania Rural Population Revitalization Commission and other state and local stakeholders are holding a public hearing to address local capacity issues on February 28 at the Railroaders Memorial Museum in Blair County. The media and the public are invited to attend.
Established by Act 21 of 2024, the purpose of the Commission is to create "reviews and recommendations aimed at attracting and retaining residents in rural Pennsylvania while addressing challenges facing rural communities due to population shifts and changing demographics." This includes recommending legislation and regulatory change.
Who: The Pennsylvania Rural Population Revitalization Commission
- Dr. Kyle C. Kopko, Chairman, Pennsylvania Rural Population Revitalization Commission; Executive Director, Center for Rural Pennsylvania
- Senator Judy Schwank
- Senator Judy Ward
- Representative Paul Takac
- Representative Michael Stender
- Albert Abramovic, Venango County Commissioner
- Betsy McClure, Greene County Commissioner
- Janet Pennington, School Board Member, Southeastern Greene School District
- Mark Critz, Western Regional Director, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture; Executive Director, Pennsylvania Rural Development Council
- Drew Popish, Northeast Regional Director, Office of Governor Shapiro
- Lisa Davis, Director, Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health
- Dr. Karen Riley, President, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
- Jordan Grady, President, Butler County Chamber of Commerce
- Gina Suydam, President, Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce
- Nathan Lesh, Vice President, Pennsylvania Future Farmers of America
Testifiers: Representatives from the following organizations
- Commissioner Sherene Hess of Indiana County*, President, County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania (CCAP) (Testimony)
- Frank Mazza, Director of Government Relations, County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania (CCAP)
- Holly Fishel, Policy and Research Director, Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) (Testimony)
- Tami Halstead, Newport Borough Councilwoman and 2nd Vice President of the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB) (Testimony)
- Sarah Teater*, Director of Capacity Building, Community Economic Development Association of Michigan (Testimony)
- Shate'ja Curry*, Community Development Fellowship Program Manager, Community Economic Development Association of Michigan (Testimony)
- Charlotte Davis, Executive Director, Rural Maryland Council (Testimony)
- John Papalia, Senior Vice President, Warren County Chamber of Business and Industry (Testimony)
- Brandy Schimp, Mayor of Kane Borough (Testimony)
Written Testimony:
- Ryanne Jennings, President/CEO of Wayne County Community Foundation, Wayne Tomorrow! (Testimony)
When: Friday, February 28, 9:00 a.m. View agenda and testimony.
Where: Third-Floor Meeting Room, Railroaders Memorial Museum, 1200 9th Ave., Altoona, PA 16602
Livestream: SenatorJudyWard.com and Facebook.com/SenJudyWard.
Contact: Katie Park, Communications Manager, Center for Rural Pennsylvania, (717) 787-9555, kpark@rural.pa.gov
The Center for Rural Pennsylvania is a bipartisan, bicameral legislative agency that serves as a resource for rural policy within the Pennsylvania General Assembly. The Center works with the legislature, educators, state and federal executive branch agencies, and national, statewide, regional and local organizations to maximize resources and strategies that can better serve Pennsylvania's nearly 3.4 million rural residents.
Katie Park, Communications Manager
Center for Rural Pennsylvania