About the Commission
Established by Act 21 of 2024, the purpose of the Commission is to create "reviews and recommendations aimed at attracting and retaining residents in rural Pennsylvania while addressing challenges facing rural communities due to population shifts and changing demographics". This includes recommending legislation and regulatory change.
Reviews and Policy Recommendations
Additional Powers
Membership Composition
State Government
Two individuals appointed by the Governor
Two members from the Senate appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, one from the majority party and one from the minority party
Two members from the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, one from the majority party and one from the minority party
The director of the Center for Rural Pennsylvania or a designee
The executive director of the Pennsylvania Rural Development Council or a designee
Local/County Government
A representative from the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania who holds office in a rural county
A representative from the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania from a rural county with interests or experience in human services
A representative from the Pennsylvania School Boards Association from a rural school district
Private Sector and Academia
A young adult selected from a statewide general farm organization selected by the chairperson
A representative from the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry who resides in or operates a business in a rural county
A representative from the Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health
A representative from the State System of Higher Education who represents a university located in a rural county