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The Experience of Low-Income Pennsylvania Residents in Marcellus Shale Gas Communities of Bradford, Lycoming, Washington and Greene Counties (2017)

March 17, 2017  | Environment and Natural Resources

This research describes the perspectives of low-income adults in Pennsylvania communities that have experienced active Marcellus Shale development. This study focused on the same four counties examined in Wave 1 of the Marcellus Shale Impacts Study: Bradford, Lycoming, Greene, and Washington. These counties experienced the highest level of Marcellus Shale development in Pennsylvania over the past 8 years, and they have diverse populations, histories, economic bases, and geographic regions. The interview protocol for low-income adults used in this study is a semi-structured interview protocol incorporating a retrospective narrative to gather information about the housing history of interviewed participants, as well as participant perspectives on community change.

Tags:  low-income , marcellus shale

Introducing the Center's new journal, Rural Policy: The Research Bulletin of the Center for Rural Pennsylvania.