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Housing and Marcellus Shale Development (2017)

March 17, 2017  | Environment and Natural Resources

The rapid increase in Marcellus Shale development in Pennsylvania over the past decade has raised questions about the potential impacts of drilling and related development activities on housing availability and affordability for industry workers and residents in the counties experiencing substantial development, as well as neighboring counties that may have no wells but may house industry workers and/or residents relocating from counties with substantial development activity. This research studied trends including housing supply, age of housing, occupancy, value, rental costs, and household income inequality. 

Tags:  marcellus shale , housing


Housing and Marcellus Shale Development (Report 5)

September 30, 2014  | Environment and Natural Resources

Marcellus Shale development brings gas company workers, subcontractors and workers in related areas (e.g., pipeline or other construction) to the locations in which natural gas exploration and drilling occur. An immediate issue is where to house these workers. This research examined housing stock and change in housing stock, rental and vacancy rates, housing costs, and housing affordability in the four study counties of Bradford, Lycoming, Washington, and Greene within a regional and statewide context. The research used secondary data from the U.S. Census of Population and Housing (2000) and the American Community Survey (ACS 3-year estimates, 2005/07 and 2009/11). The research also used qualitative data from focus groups with individuals knowledgeable about housing in the study counties.

Tags:  fracking , gas development , affordable housing , natural gas development , rentals , marcellus shale , housing

Introducing the Center's new journal, Rural Policy: The Research Bulletin of the Center for Rural Pennsylvania.