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Health Insurance Coverage, Health Care Utilization, and Health Outcomes within the Context of Marcellus Shale Development (2017)

March 17, 2017  | Environment and Natural Resources

The rapid increase in Marcellus Shale development over the past decade has raised concerns about the potential impacts of drilling and related development on public health, including health insurance coverage, demand for health care services, and health outcome indicators among populations who live in communities with substantial development. Accordingly, this report presents results from analyses that examined health insurance coverage, health care utilization, and health outcomes and changes in those indicators since substantial well development began in 2006. Although suggestive, this report is intended to be exploratory and not conclusive. Despite its descriptive approach, the findings from this report should provide a foundation for increased surveillance and additional research. 

Tags:  healthcare , marcellus shale

Introducing the Center's new journal, Rural Policy: The Research Bulletin of the Center for Rural Pennsylvania.